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Executive Director

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Melvin Scroggins


Know more about Melvin Scroggins





Multi-Media Designer

Sis. Bernadeth Villarino

Web Developer

Our mission statement

1. Publish the One God Apostolic gospel on the worldwide web in every language in order to evangelize the lost and to equip the saints for ministry.

2. Use technology so that all of our books, videos, and articles are in the search engines of every language worldwide so millions will find the truth of the gospel in their own languages.

3. Post our debates and videos exposing false doctrine and promoting the Oneness Apostolic gospel on YouTube to bring in multitudes who will hear and obey the apostolic gospel worldwide.

4. Start an Apostolic Bible School offering undergraduate and graduate-level studies both online and by correspondence.

5. Publish the truth of the gospel without favoritism towards any particular Oneness Organizations in order to bring unity rather than competition among Apostolic Faith believers worldwide.

6. Global Impact Ministries will serve as a forum to bring the whole body of Christ together in one mind and one accord to prepare us for our Lord’s soon return.

7. All love offerings will be utilized to cover only our necessary expenses. We will fulfill our mission to hire only poor Apostolic Faith believers who would not be able to afford to work for us free of charge. All other staff will receive no monetary compensation.



We Believe . . . in the one true and living God, maker of all creation; the all-knowing, all-powerful, everywhere-present, eternal Father; the source of all goodness, truth, and love; who has manifested Himself in His Son, Jesus Christ, for the purpose of redemption and as the Holy Spirit for the purpose of action in His creation and intervening in the lives of people. (Deuteronomy 6:4; 2 Corinthians 13:14; 1 Timothy 1:17; 3:16; 6:13-16)


We Believe . . . in the divine inspiration of the Scriptures, and that the original manuscripts of the Old and New Testaments of the Bible are the Word of God given through people, and that the Scriptures we possess today are the sufficient rule of faith and practice and the final authority for truth and salvation. (2 Timothy 3:16; 2 Peter 1:20-21)

We Believe . . . in the gospel of Jesus Christ, which declares Him to be the only begotten Son of God. He was the only man ever "made of a (virgin) woman" through the incarnation of the Holy Spirit of Jehovah united with the egg inside of Mary. Wherefore, Jesus Christ demonstrated both human and divine natures and attributes. As the Savior, He was crucified and died on the cross in our place to be the supreme sacrifice for sin. He was buried in a tomb but rose again the third day, as the Scriptures foretold, and is now exalted as King of kings and Lord of lords. As God manifested in the flesh, He is true God and true man; in Him dwells all the fullness of the Deity in bodily form. (Galatians 4:4; Luke 1:34-35; Acts 10:38-40;1 Corinthians 15:1-4; Colossians 2:9)


We Believe . . . in the original apostolic plan of salvation, proclaimed on the Day of Pentecost on the birthday of the New Testament Church, which includes faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, sincere repentance, water baptism by immersion in the name of Jesus Christ, and receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit with the joyous experience of speaking supernaturally in other tongues - just as the believers did in the first century. (Acts 2:1-39; 10:44-48)


We Believe . . . in living a life of holiness, both inwardly and outwardly, as a result of the working of God's grace in us, for the Word of the Lord declares that all who name the name of Christ must depart from sin and separate themselves from the evil practices of this present age. (Ephesians 4:21-24; 2 Timothy 2:19; Hebrews 12:14)


We Believe . . . in practicing genuine Christianity, through love for God and people, prayer, obedience to the Word of God, heartfelt worship and expressive praise, sharing our faith, commitment to our marriage companions and families, availability to help others in time of need, honesty and diligence in our employment, honor and respect for our government as it submits to the divine plan for human society, and the dedication of our time, talent, and treasure to advance the Kingdom of God on earth. (Romans 12-13; Colossians 3-4)


We Believe . . . in the local and universal church, established by our Lord as a unique and special fellowship for all who believe. It is the spiritual community ordained for worship, stewardship, and service to God and people, of which every believer must become a part, for it is the body of Christ in the world today, displaying the same miraculous power and spiritual gifts experienced by the early church. (1 Corinthians 12; Ephesians 4:4-16)


We Believe . . . in the return of Jesus Christ, that glorious appearing when our Lord shall come with the sound of a trumpet, when both those who have died in Christ and those who now live in Christ will rise to meet Him in the air to be with Him forever. (1 Corinthians 15:51-55; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18)


We Believe . . . in the judgment of all people, when the wicked shall receive their punishment and the righteous shall receive their reward. We believe in the ultimate triumph of righteousness and in life everlasting. (Romans 14:10-12; 2 Thessalonians 1:6-10; Revelation 20:12-21)


I have retired from secular employment to devote myself to the word of God and prayer in order to be a full time Apologist to evangelize and to defend the One God Apostolic Christian Faith. I initially gave up Pastoring in New York to have more time to spend in Apologetics but the Lord has led me back into Pastoring by founding Global Impact Church in Fort Myers, FL.

As an active Apologist for the Apostolic Faith, I do more than just write books and produce videos. I have had many successful debates with Trinitarians on theology and on water baptism. Testimonies from English speaking people have come in from around the world in which people were re-baptized in Jesus Name with the Oneness message of God in Christ Jesus. In many cases, whole churches in Africa and in Asia were re-baptized in Jesus Name and turned to the Oneness Apostolic Faith. I know in my Knower that this is just a small sample of what God is going to do throughout the world in the near future.  

While most of my books are posted online free of charge, I am selling some printed books and some PDF books (we hope to sell books through Kindle on Amazon as well) in which all of the profits go directly to Global Impact Ministries as a fundraiser rather than to myself as the author. We trust that the Lord will bless multitudes with our free online source of gospel books and videos and that God will use us to help prepare the true bride of Christ to be ready for her Lord’s soon return.

In Christ’s Amazing Love!

Brother Ritchie


The paramount purpose of Global Impact Ministries is to defend and to preach the whole gospel of the original apostles of Christ to the whole world before Jesus returns. Our mission is to evangelize multitudes to obey the whole gospel of Christ and to equip the saints to do the same through our free on line books, articles, and videos. We encourage Pastors to share the Global Impact Ministry web site with the saints to help teach and equip them to share the gospel more effectively.

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